Go Beyond Listening and Empathizing. Learn How to Create a Space That Invites Clients to Speak on Behalf of Their Own Healing.

Reimagining Multiculturalism:

A Contemporary Narrative Approach 

with Travis Heath, PhD

3-Volume Online Course - Only $129 USD

Includes 5+ hours of video featuring 3 clients, 5.5 CE Creditss, and bonus resources 

Renowned Narrative Therapy expert, Travis Heath, demonstrates processes and techniques for exploring the dominant stories that have shaped your clients’ lives and together co-author counter stories that align them with their core values and preferred identities.

In his work with Vinodha, Beverly and Ian, educator and clinician Travis Heath demonstrates a unique blend of traditional and contemporary Narrative Therapy techniques that prioritize people over problems. You’ll learn how to explore the dominant stories that have shaped your clients' lives, co-author powerful counter stories that connect clients to more than just their individual selves, and encourage clients to live a life that's more aligned with their preferred identities. Discover an approach that quickly gets to the heart of who your clients are and what brings them into the room.

This self-paced online course features four sessions with three clients, rich discussions and  commentaries for behind-the-scenes insight, and downloadable resources to reinforce learning and promote lateral thinking.

Help Clients Deconstruct the Problem-Saturated Stories in Their Lives and Create Narratives of Strength and Hope

Unlimited Lifetime Access. Start Anytime. Study at Your Own Pace.

Only $129 USD


For individual use only; not intended for shared use, teaching or training. Are you an educator or clinical director? Learn how to incorporate our resources into your courses and trainings. Contact [email protected] or call 1-800-577-4762.

Take a Look Inside This Online Course


Learn How To

Keep the therapeutic focus on people, not problems

Shift the therapeutic conversation from symptoms and suffering to one of strengths and resilience

Privilege the client’s own language, and lead to deep understanding of who the client is and what brings them to the room

Craft questions and conversations that privilege the client’s own language and lead to deeper understanding

Lead inquiries in to the foundations and strength of their moral character

Use Narrative techniques to align clients more fully with their core values and preferred identities

Give clients tools for challenging oppression

Develop stories that challenge repressive systems and give clients agency in their relationships to those systems

Honor valued aspects of culture and treasured relationships

Create a culturally democratic space that honors heritage and allows clients to speak on behalf of their own healing

Bring curiosity and creativity into your therapeutic presence

Deconstruct problem-saturated stories, and examine how client’s responses to problems may or may not serve them

Only $129 USD

5+ hours of video featuring 3 clients • 5.5 CEs • Supplemental Resources

For individual use only; not intended for shared use, teaching or training.
To learn more about multi-user solutions contact
[email protected]
or call 1-800-577-4762.

"Stories are the how we make sense of ourselves, the world, and our sense of ourselves in the world. By leaning into our clients’ stories, we can better understand the systems impacting them, and gain a richer understanding of the strengths they can recruit when facing challenges."

~Travis Heath, PhD

Course Curriculum

Cover for Reimagining Multiculturalism: A Contemporary Narrative Approach Volume 1

VOLUME 1: Vinodha

Vinodha is a successful single mom of Indian descent whose complicated past has left her feeling unseen and uprooted. Heath demonstrates the power of stories to quickly get at the heart of who your client is and what brings them to the room. You’ll learn how to co-author powerful counter stories that connect clients to more than just their individual selves, and open pathways for new understanding. In this volume you'll learn how to...

  • Use strengths of moral character inquiries to identify preferred identities and challenges
  • Trace the impact of themes such as colonialism and capitalism
  • Engage with curiosity and to identify strengths, cultural heritage and other resources
  • Cultivate counter stories that move clients closer to who they want to be
Cover for Reimagining Multiculturalism: A Contemporary Narrative Approach Volume 2

VOLUME 2: Beverly

Beverly, whose motto for life is “to thine own self be true,” is a retired African American woman who grew up in New York during the days of racial segregation. By questioning the deeply-woven stories society tells about what it means to be Black, and exploring the narratives Beverly shares, Heath helps Beverly co-author powerful counter stories of courage, resilience and a steadfast belief in who she is at her core. In this volume, Heath will show you how to:

  • Invite clients to challenge dominant stories about themselves and their lives
  • Use stories to enrich your understanding of client strengths and challenges
  • Rethink what you write in your session notes and how you use them in session
  • Bring yourself fully into the therapeutic relationship 
Cover for Reimagining Multiculturalism: A Contemporary Narrative Approach Volume 3


Ian is a former rugby player-turned-sports psychologist whose career as a professional athlete was derailed by catastrophic health-related setbacks. Over the course of two sessions, you’ll see how Heath blends contemporary and traditional Narrative Therapy techniques to co-author moving counter stories of strength and resilience. Through an unconventional use of session notes, creative plays on language, and unabashed engagement, Heath demonstrates how therapists can help clients redefine what's possible by pushing beyond the stories that the world tells about who they are and who they should be. In this video, you'll learn to

  • Examine the stories clients tell about themselves and the world tells about them
  • Become an active participant in the therapeutic process
  • Engage with interest and creativity to identify factors that impact clients’ identity
  • Co-author counter stories with clients to move them closer to who they want to be  

What You Get in This Course

  • 5+ hours of videos featuring clinical sessions with 3 real clients
  • Voiceover commentaries and discussions for behind-the-scenes insight
  • Supplemental resources to consolidate learning and promote lateral thinking
  • Downloadable transcripts of all videos
  • 5.5 CE credits available for licensed professionals
  • Instant lifetime access to all course materials

Help Clients Create New Frameworks for Overcoming Old Challenges

Reimagining Multiculturalism: A Contemporary Narrative Approach

5+ hours of video featuring 3 clients • 5.5 CE Credits • Supplemental Resources

Only $129 USD


For individual use only; not intended for shared use, teaching or training. Are you an educator or clinical director? Learn how to incorporate our resources into your courses and trainings. Contact [email protected] or call 1-800-577-4762.

“As a witness to my clients’ stories, I think it's important to share my reactions. I'm reminded here of something David Epston once said, ‘I'm trying to be a person. I'm not trying to impersonate a professional person.’ My hope is that by understanding how I feel moved by their stories, they can begin to witness themselves in new ways.”

~Travis Heath, PhD

About Travis Heath, PhD

Photo of Narrative Therapist, Travis Heath

Travis Heath, PhD, is a licensed psychologist and has been in community practice for nearly two decades. His scholarship has included looking at shifting from a multicultural approach to counseling to one of cultural democracy that invites people to heal in mediums that are culturally near. Other writings have focused on the use of rap music in narrative therapy, working with persons entangled in the criminal injustice system in ways that maintain their dignity, narrative practice stories as pedagogy, and a co-created questioning practice called reunion questions. He is co-author, with David Epston and Tom Carlson, of the first book on Contemporary Narrative Therapy released in June 2022 entitled, “Reimagining Narrative Therapy Through Practice Stories and Autoethnography.” He has presented his work in 10 countries to date.

The Psychotherapy.net Experience

  • Instant access to course materials. After you enroll, you will receive a confirmation email with log-in information.
  • Permanent access to course materials. Learn at your own pace, whenever it fits your schedule. Revisit it at anytime.
  • Complete your CE tests online and print your certificate when you pass. Click here for list of CE Accreditations.
  • Discounts available for organizations with multiple users. Email [email protected] for more information.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

For over 20 years, we have been the leader in quality video training in our field. We are committed to ensuring that our customers are fully satisfied.

Learn How to Go Beyond Collaboration and Stand in Solidarity with Clients

Only $129 USD

Includes 5+ hrs of video featuring clinical sessions, 5.5 CE Credits and more

For individual use only; not intended for shared use, teaching or training.  Are you an educator or clinical director? Learn how to incorporate our resources in your courses or trainings. Contact [email protected] or call 1-800-577-4762.