Emotionally Focused Therapy Step by Step: A Complete Online Course
Learn an empirically validated roadmap that will change the way you work with couples.
Sale Extended Due to Customer Demand: Save 35% — Now Only $161.85 (Regularly $249) Includes 10 CE Credits
Offer expires May 30, 2023. For individual users only. Discounts available for multiple users. Contact us at [email protected] or call 1-800-577-4762.
Navigate the chaos of couples therapy and learn a model that will provide structure to your couples sessions
Get tools proven to make you a more effective couples therapist
Videos feature 6 real couples in therapy for over 1 year with 4 leading EFT therapists and trainers
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Now You Can Save 35% Through May 30th: Only $161.85 (Regularly $249)
10 CE Credits included
CLAIM YOUR DISCOUNT TODAYOffer expires May 30, 2023. For individual users only. Discounts available for multiple users. Contact us at [email protected]or call 1-800-577-4762.

Sue Johnson, PhD
Developer of EFT; Director of International Center for Excellence in Emotionally Focused Therapy
“Powerful and unique! This in-depth and thorough course is an amazing resource for all couple therapists. Seeing so many examples of seasoned EFT therapists working with real couples is invaluable to really understand the subtleties and depth of this approach; I heartily recommend it.”
What you get with this course:
A step-by-step approach to learning Emotionally Focused Therapy — take the course at your own pace, whenever you want
Permanent access to all course materials
Over 11 hours of video featuring session with 6 real-life couples and detailed commentary
Clinical Demonstrations of EFT techniques, steps and stages and advanced issues
Multiple self-paced practice exercises to deepen your understanding of EFT
Earn up to 10 CE Credits, included in the Course Click here for the complete list of CE Approvals
Get the Tools You Need to Work Effectively with Couples
Special Mental Health Awareness Month Offer: Regularly $249, now only $161.85
10 CE Credits Included
GET STARTED NOWOffer expires May 30, 2022. For individual users only. Discounts available for multiple users. Contact us at [email protected] or call 1-800-577-4762.
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Our Experts

Rebecca Jorgensen, PhD is Co-Director of The Training and Research Institute for Emotionally Focused Therapy. She is an EFT Supervisor and Trainer whose online educational programs and consultation groups are popular all around the globe. This “therapists’ therapist” is known for her presence, clarity and empathy.

Scott Woolley, PhD is a Founder and Director of the San Diego Center for Emotionally Focused Therapy and the Training and Research Institute for EFT (TRI-EFT). Dr. Woolley has trained therapists in EFT in many areas of the world, and works closely with Dr. Susan Johnson, founder of EFT.

Lisa Palmer-Olsen, PsyD is a licensed marriage and family therapist in San Diego California. She is a Certified EFT Trainer and Supervisor and is a Founder and one of the Directors of the Emotionally Focused Couples Training and Research Institute at Alliant International University.

Mark Kaupp, PsyD, is a certified EFT Therapist, Supervisor and Trainer. In addition to traveling all over North America training other therapists in EFT, he is an adjunct professor at San Diego State University and Alliant International University, teaching couples therapy to students in their master's and doctoral programs.
Course Content
Volume 1: Core Concepts and Interventions
Dr. Rebecca Jorgensen, EFT expert and sought-after trainer, gives a comprehensive overview of the core concepts, steps, stages, and key interventions of EFT.
The theory and techniques come to life with numerous vignettes featuring 6 real-life couples with diverse backgrounds, ethnicities, and issues. Over 100 hours of actual couples therapy have been painstakingly distilled to demonstrate the essential components and subtleties of EFT.

Volume 2: EFT Stage 1
Learn in detail the four steps of EFT Stage 1 that lead to de-escalation.
- Identify the negative cycle
- Access primary emotions
- Recognize the markers of de-escalation
By the end of this volume, you will know how to guide your clients to take control of their negative cycle, giving them more hope and courage to go forward.
Volume 3: EFT Stage 2-3
In Stage 2, the therapist becomes a choreographer who restructures the clients’ interactions.
Learn how to achieve EFT’s critical change events--withdrawer reengagement and pursuer softening; promote acceptance of new positions of the other partner and support partners being able to ask for their needs to be met.

Volume 4: Impasses and Challenges
In this final volume, Jorgensen and colleagues demonstrate how to handle an array of tough issues such as ruptures in alliances, trauma history, attachment injuries, intellectualizing, and more.
Multiple vignettes from actual cases combined with incisive commentary, offer tools and strategies to help you get your couples back on track.
Practice Exercises
12 interactive self-paced exercises available at the end of the first 3 volumes have been designed to help you integrate the key concepts of techniques of EFT.

BONUS VIDEO: John Bowlby on Attachment and Psychotherapy
In this rare 1984 lecture in London, John Bowlby, founder of Attachment Theory, presents his impactful ideas on the role of the early parent-child relationships in development across the lifespan.
Improve Your Couples Therapy Skills and Save 35%
Limited Time Offer: Regularly $249, Now Only $161.85
10 CE Credits included
GET YOUR 35% SAVINGS TODAYOffer expires May 30, 2023. For individual users only. Discounts available for multiple users. Contact us at [email protected] or call 1-800-577-4762.
Get the Psychotherapy.net Commitment to Quality Training
- Register now for instant access. You will receive a confirmation email with log-in information. You can get started right away!
- Permanent access to course material.
- Getting CE Credits is easy! Take your CE Tests online, and print your CE Certificates once you passed.
- Discounts available for organizations with multiple users. Email [email protected] for more information.
- 100% Satisfaction guarantee. For 20 years, we have been the leader in quality video training in our field, and are committed to ensuring that our customers are fully satisfied.

Don't wait! Learn How to Navigate the Chaos of Couples Therapy Today
Mental Health Awareness Month Sale Extended: Through May 30th Save 35% — Now Only $161.85! — Regularly $249
SIGN UP NOWOffer expires May 30, 2023. For individual users only. Discounts available for multiple users. Contact us at [email protected] or call 1-800-577-4762.