with John Sommers-Flanagan, PhD
Discounts available for organizations with multiple users. Contact us at [email protected] or call 1-800-577-4762.
Limited Time Offer: only $139 per user. Must order by Oct. 1, 2019
"This video comprehensively addresses a sensitive, often anxiety-provoking topic for both beginning and seasoned clinicians. Using a framework that addresses both our academic and experiential understandings of suicidality, Dr. Sommers-Flanagan effectively demonstrates his approach to this nuanced and difficult work. Observing his work with a range of diverse clients and his integration of theoretical technique and strategies associated with assessment, intervention, safety planning, and goal-setting is invaluable. Dr. Sommers-Flanagan provides a narration that helps viewers reflect on his approach in real-time and consider the ways in which they might incorporate these skills into their own clinical practice. "
"This course presents one of the most accurate and easy to understand approaches to assessing and intervening with suicidal clients utilizing multiple case vignettes. Dr. Sommers-Flanagan does an outstanding job of presenting clinical tasks that every clinician needs to know, as well as collaborating with suicidal clients through identifying protective factors, not only risk factors. This video series provides clinicians, graduate students and clinical training programs with a wonderful mechanism to advance their competence in suicide assessment. In my opinion, it is one of the most useful resources available to assist in suicide assessment training of helping professionals. "
"Dr. John Sommers-Flanagan does a marvelous job of assessing and interviewing with several clients who struggle with suicidal ideation. His manner is natural, personable, calm, compassionate, insightful, and engaging. We are impressed with the way he makes a connection with clients and encourages them to express their key concerns. We also appreciate that he emphasizes not only special knowledge and skills, but the primacy of the relationship in making accurate assessments. Those who view this video will acquire important guidelines in interviewing suicidal clients."
Through compassionate and targeted sessions with a 30 year-old single mother and a 22 year old native-american alcoholic Iraq veteran, Dr. Sommers-Flanagan demonstrates the assessment and treatment skills necessary to work collaboratively with suicidal clients.
Learn to recognize and apply the eight dimensions of suicidality and the seven fundamental clinical tasks in your own assessment and early interventions.
Working with a teenager, a recent widow and a woman struggling with the memories of a schizophrenic mother, Sommers-Flangan demonstrates the use of various tools to optimize clinical effectiveness: the "Mood Rating Scale with a Suicide Floor" to help identify changes in a client’s emotional status and the "Suicide Rating Form" to develop strategies for accurately assessing your client’s risk for suicide. You will also acquire the skills necessary for developing an effective safety plan with suicidal clients
In this video, Sommers-Flanagan addresses the issue of acute suicidality as he works with a 35-year-old white gay male who is socially isolated, hopeless, and with access to lethal means. You will develop a deeper clinical appreciation for issues such as such as balancing a client’s autonomy with the duty to protect, the inter-generational transmission of trauma, incorporating hospitalization into treatment planning, and appropriate referral of suicidal clients.
Supplemental expert interviews cover the issues of suicide in Asian-American cultures, the challenges to effectively assessing suicidal minority youth and coping strategies for family members who have lost loved ones to suicide.
7.5 Continuing Education Credits available for licensed professionals, including counselors, social workers, and psychologists. Click here for list of CE Accreditations.
Limited time offer valid until October 1, 2019
John Sommers-Flanagan is a professor of counselor education at the University of Montana, a clinical psychologist and a mental health consultant.
Primarily specializing in working with children, parents, and families, John is author or coauthor of over 50 professional publications and nine books, including How to Listen so Parents will Talk and Talk so Parents will Listen (John Wiley & Sons, 2011), Counseling and Psychotherapy Theories in Context and Practice (2nd ed., John Wiley & Sons, 2012), Clinical Interviewing (5th ed., Wiley, 2014), and Tough Kids, Cool Counseling (2nd ed., ACA, 2007).
Victor Yalom, PhD is the founder, CEO, and resident cartoonist of Psychotherapy.net. He is a licensed psychologist with over 30 years of clinical experience, and has conducted workshops in existential-humanistic and group therapy in the US, Mexico, and China. He has produced over 60 training videos in psychotherapy, counseling, and addictions treatment.
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